Voice of the Wood
Concerto for Cello Quartet and Orchestra
Arrangement for Cello Quartet and Piano

conducted by Peter McCopplin
I. Prelude
II. Fantasia
Composed for the innovative medium of cello quartet and orchestra. Voice of the Wood was premiered by the Charlotte Symphony to standing and shouting applause. Suitable for performance by an orchestra’s own cellists, it can also be performed by a guest artists cello quartet.
“classic Peck, tonal and accessible, and driven by syncopation . . . especially winning was the rich collective voice of the four soloists . . . the audience responded with an extended ovation”
Charlotte Observer
“very positive response . . . the audience was on its feet just moments after the music ended”
National Public Radio: Performance Today
duration: 21′
3(3rd db. picc.)/2+E.h./2+b.cl./2+cbn. 4/3/3/1
timp. 3 perc. piano harp
violin I & II violas basses
solo cello quartet
To purchase this contact:
Eble Music Co. (319) 338-0313 www.eble.com