Chamber Music

Drastic Measures– saxophone quartet 9′ 45″
Voice of the Wood– concerto for cello quartet and orchestra, or arrangement for cello quartet and piano 21′
The Upward Stream– concerto for tenor saxophone, or solo saxophone with piano arrangement. 20′
Lift-Off!- for percussion trio (or multiples of three) 7′ 30″
The Glory and the Grandeur– concerto for percussion trio 12′
Harmonic Rhythm– concerto for timpani and orchestra, or solo timpani with piano arrangement 22′
Tread on Me or My String Quartet
– for string quartet (shares themes with Playing With Style) 3′ 30″
Five-Ring Circus– for woodwind quintet 2′ 15″
A Minor Monster-Piece– for brass quintet (shares themes with Playing With Style) 2’15”
Big-Shot Brass– for brass quintet (shares themes with The Thrill of the Orchestra) 1′ 10″
In the Garden– for organ and optional drum set 5″
The Cat’s Meow– for duo pianists or one with four paws

Sales of Sheet Music available through
Eble/ Groth Music Co. (800) 969-4772
Some pieces also available through
Steve Weiss Music (215) 659-0100
or email with inquiry:

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